The Hollow World of Cyrus Teed

paper by Steve Richardson
Sunstone Symposium, 4 Aug 2011

Selected References

Koreshan State Park official website, click here.
Koreshan State Park unofficial site, click here.

Writings by Cyrus Read Teed:

The Illumination of Koresh, click here.
Emanuel Swedenborg: His Mission, click here
Cellular Cosmogony, click here.
Immortal Manhood, click here.
Women's Restoration, click here.
Koreshan Unity Cooperative, click here.
Koreshan Unity: Communistic and Cooperative Gathering, click here.

The Koreshan publication The Flaming Sword, click hereherehere and here.

Picture Tours of the Koreshan State Park in Florida, click herehereherehere, and here.

Koreshan History:

Claude Rahn, 1966, A Brief Outline of the Life of Dr. Cyrus R. Teed, click here.
Howard Fine, New York Years, click here.
Howard Fine, Chicago Years, click here.
Marie McReady, 1966, Memories, Memories--Days of Long Ago, click here.
Richard S. Berrey, 1928, Economic History of the Koreshan Unity, click here.
Elliot Mackle, 1971, The Koreshan Unity in Florida, 1894-1910, click here.
Isaac Reeves, 1977, Koreshan Unity Settlement, 1894-1977, click here.
Catherine Ohnemus, 2001, Dr. Teed and the Koreshan Unity Movement, click here.
Katherine Adams, 2010, Life Inside the Earth, click here.

Koreshan Archives, click here.

Additional Koreshan Photographs, click here and here.

"Madness and Death Add to Mystery," 1910 article in New York Times, click here.

Modern Ideas about Hollow Earth:

Donald Simanek, 2003, "Turning the Universe Inside Out", click here.
Nicholas A. Russo, "Hollow Earth", 1983, in Omni Magazine, click here and here.
"The Hollow Earth - The Inside World" (support from the Bible), click here.
Duane Griffin, n.d., Hollow Earth in Science, click here.
       "Mostafa Abdelkader and the Geocosmos," click here.
"The Inversed Earth Hypothesis," click here.
Additional Hollow Earth Links (includes fun ones), click here.

If you find a link that doesn't work, you may still be able to read it if you copy it's URL into's  Wayback Machine, click here.

I'm Steve Richardson.
A transcript of my talk may be seen by clicking here.
If you'd like to contact me, click here.
